


Bienvenue sur le portail Morph-M » History » Revision 45

Revision 44 (Serge Koudoro, 12/18/2008 01:40 PM) → Revision 45/79 (Serge Koudoro, 12/23/2008 12:45 PM)

h1=. +Welcome To Morph-M website+ 

 h2{color:#8B0000}. +Quick History+ 


 bq. In Greek mythology, Morpheus (Morphée in french) is the ancient greek god who used to manipulate the shapes appearing in the dreams of 
 human beings. Morphee is the core of our mathematical morphology platform.The name "Morph-M" reminds this relationship and can be read as the abbreviation of Morpheus musagète [1]. 


 bq. Morph-M stimulated the birth of several projects going of simple small development aid tools until "Turnkey" applications    by way of very numerous libraries and modules. The Morph-M extensions which have their own wiki are also listed on this portal. *_See the Addons, Motion, Graphs and Software projects notably ._* 

 fn1. _The attribute is traditionally attributed to Apollon, but our Morpheus can very well claim to be too him " driver of muses " so much he allows his users to innovate to go beyond even of the domain of the dreams ._ 

 h2{color:#8B0000}. +Introduction+ 

 bq. Morph-M is the result of the work of several researchers at the Centre for Mathematical Morphology. Morph-M provides a rich environment for the development of image processing algorithms. Most of current research projects at the CMM are based on Morph-M.  

 bq. The main component of Morph-M is an image processing library implemented on C++, following the principles of generic programming. This library contains most of the operators offered by mathematical morphology, from basic operations, such as dilations and erosions, up to the most powerful operators, such as the hierarchical watershed. These functions are implemented with efficient algorithms, as those based on the hierarchical lines. The library also contains more classical functions of image processing. 

 bq. Morph-M can be used through a Python interface. This allows to easily combine Morph-M with other packages available through Python like, for example, VTK 

 h2{color:#8B0000}. +Features+ 

 * *Portability*    : Morph-M can be used on different 32 or 64 bits platforms : Windows, Linux and et Mac. 
 * *Genericity*     : Morph-M offers a large choice regarding the image type and the structuring element. 
 * *Robustness*     : Nightly regression tests assure the correct functioning of each procedure. 

 Morph-M represents a reference in mathematical morphology. Indeed, Morph-M algorithms are written in accordance with the theory and are scrupulously tested 

 h2{color:#8B0000}. +How does it work ?+ 

 * [[Some example...]] : This part illustrate some of the different examples in python and C++ provided by Morph-M 
 * [[Application]]       : Software created for an specific use of Morph-M  
 * [[ScreenShot]]        : Some Illustrations 

 h2{color:#8B0000}. +Learn more...+ 

 * "Functions documentations and guide":/embedded/morphee-admin    : This part shows the basic use of Morph-M classes and functions 
 * [[Seminar]]                     : This part provides different presentation slides that gives more insights on the different library concepts and uses. 
 * [[Educational resources]]       : Source, Tutorial and Slide of all Morph-M formation  
 * [[Bibliographical resources]] : Some essential references 

 h2{color:#8B0000}. +More Topics...+ 

 * [[How to use Morph-M with OpenCV ?]] 

 h2{color:#8B0000}. +Partners+ 

 The CMM recognizes the importance of mutually beneficial partnerships. Morph-M is used by partners of the centre de Morphologie Mathématique, such as: 

 * "Arcelor Mittal": 
 * "Michelin": 
 * "L'institut Gustave Roussy": 
 * "ERM'S": 
 * "Diagnos Inc.": 
 * "L'Oreal": 
 * "Estimages":  

 h2{color:#8B0000}. +Get MorphM !+ 

 At the moment, Python interface is the only supported interface for the Morph-M Library. 

 Please, read the terms of "the licence agreement":, then you can complete and print the "order form": , and send it to the following address: 

 p=. *_École des Mines de Paris_* 
 *_Centre de Morphologie Mathématique_* 

 *_35, rue Saint-Honoré_* 
 *_77305 Fontainebleau Cedex_* 

 Or fax it to : *+331 64 69 47 07*. 

 bq. By sending the order form, the buying company déclares to have read "the licence agreement for using MORPH-M-PYTHON's software": . The order form signature includes the acceptance by the company of the terms of "the Licence Agreement for using MORPH-M-PYTHON's Software":  

 bq. If you need a developer licence, contact us at this following adress:  

 h2{color:#8B0000}. +FAQ+ 

 Themes de la Foire Aux Questions: [[Général]] - [[Python]] - [[C++]] - [[Linux]] - [[Windows]] 

 *+How use it:+* 
 * Les sujets sont organisés en catégorie qui permettent de les retrouver facilement. 
 * Comme il n'est pas toujours évident de tomber du premier coup sur la bonne question il convient d'en tester plusieurs en choississant des catégories de plus en plus précises: 
 # Commencez par la catégorie [[Général]] 
 # Ensuite si vous travaillez avec Python la catégorie [[Python]] ou sinon celle du [[C++]] qui traite entre autre des problèmes de compilations 
 # Enfin votre problème peut être spécifique à une plate-forme et dans ce cas choississez celle qui correspond entre: [[Linux]] et [[Windows]] 

 Et si la foire aux questions ne répond pas à vos attentes vous pouvez ensuite tenter votre chance avec la liste des bugs et le forum. Vous y trouverez peut-être une mention de votre problème ainsi que des commentaires qui vous aideront à le résoudre. 

 Si ce n'est pas le cas, rajoutez un bug ! Ça ne manquera pas d'attirer l'attention d'un développeur le sujet. 

 h2{color:#8B0000}. +Link+ 

 "Centre de morphologie mathematique (CMM)": 
 "Centre de robotique": 
 "Ecole des Mines de Paris":