Morph-M Python - Creation and Deletion » History » Revision 3
Revision 2 (Serge Koudoro, 10/23/2009 03:52 PM) → Revision 3/5 (Serge Koudoro, 10/26/2009 01:57 PM)
h1. *Morph-M Python - Creation and Deletion* h3{color:#8B0000}. +Creation...+ Images can either be created by type and size. <pre><code class="ruby"> im=createImage(dataCategory.dtScalar,scalarDataType.sdtUINT8) im.setSize(256,256) im.allocateImage() </code></pre> which type and size are this following value: * *Type*: _sdtINT8, sdtINT16, sdtINT32, sdtINT64, sdtUINT8, sdtUINT16, sdtUINT32, sdtUINT64, sdtFloat, sdtDouble, sdtBIT, sdtOffset, sdtLabel, sdtSTR, sdtObject, sdtCompound, sdtList, sdtMap, sdtPair_. * *size*: _dtScalar, dtAngular, dtComplex, dtPixel3, dtPixel4, dtOffsetList, dtPointer, dtArray, dtImage, dtNeighborhood, dtVariant, dtCVariant_. h3{color:#8B0000}. +Load from file...+ Images can be loaded from a file, and can be write to a file <pre><code class="ruby"> im2=pngFileRead("foo.png") im2=bmpFileRead("foo.bmp") im2=csvFileRead("foo.csv") im2=jpegFileRead("foo.jpg") pngFileWrite(im2,"foo.png") bmpFileWrite(im2,"foo.bmp") csvFileWrite(im2,"foo.csv") jpegFileWrite(im2,"foo.jpg") #generic function im2=fileRead("foo.png") fileWrite(im2, "foo.jpg") </code></pre> PNG is the best supported format. h3{color:#8B0000}. +Features...+ Images are Python objects and as such are reference-counted and automatically destroyed when leaving the scope. This code does not leak memory: <pre><code class="ruby"> while 1: im=pngFileRead("hop.png") </code></pre> Images are passed and copied by reference: <pre><code class="ruby"> im2=im1 ImSetConstant(im1,255) for pixel in im2: print pixel </code></pre> The second image is also put to 255. A new image can be created by using getSame and ImCopy: <pre><code class="ruby"> im2=im1.getSame() #or im2=ImCreateSame(im1) im3=im1.ImCreateSame(im1, "UINT16") #changing image type ImCopy(im1,im2) ImSetConstant(im1,255) for pixel in im2: print pixel </code></pre> The second image will have kept its values even while the first is uniformally set to 255.