


Un ptit wiki » History » Revision 5

Revision 4 (Michel Bilodeau, 04/22/2009 11:07 AM) → Revision 5/14 (Michel Bilodeau, 04/22/2009 11:13 AM)

h1. Un ptit wiki 

 h2. How to get the sources: 

 For    CMM members, please indicate the following url to your svn client: 

 bq. svn co svn+ssh://<login>  

 For the others: 

 bq. svn co svn+ssh://<login>  

 h2. How to compile 

 On linux, osx, cygwin do: 

 bq. make pylib 

 h2. It doesn't compile 

 The makefile relies on a python script "" which integrates all modules. One of this module is an interface to generic    video grabbers which is platform dependent and on linux it    relies on external libraries: SDL and V4L.