


Bienvenue sur le portail Morph-M » History » Version 69

Serge Koudoro, 10/23/2009 03:25 PM

1 59 Serge Koudoro
h1=. +Welcome to Morph-M Interface Documentation+
2 1 Redmine Admin
3 59 Serge Koudoro
h2{color:#8B0000;background:#ddd}. How Use this Portal ?
4 8 Serge Koudoro
5 59 Serge Koudoro
This portal describe the use of each Morph-M interface. For a general description of Morph-M, you can "visit its web page":
6 68 Serge Koudoro
7 59 Serge Koudoro
8 54 Etienne Decencière
9 67 Serge Koudoro
"CMM : discussions et partage":/projects/cmm-communication/boards
10 1 Redmine Admin
11 67 Serge Koudoro
"Morph-M Developers Page":/wiki/morphm-core
12 1 Redmine Admin
13 68 Serge Koudoro
"Morph-M's Addons Documentation":/wiki/morphm-addons
14 1 Redmine Admin
15 69 Serge Koudoro
If you are implicated on specific project, you can find it "here":/project
17 59 Serge Koudoro
h2{color:#8B0000;background:#ddd}. Python Interface
18 1 Redmine Admin
19 59 Serge Koudoro
h3{color:#006400}. +Introduction+
20 28 Serge Koudoro
21 59 Serge Koudoro
Python interface is currently the uppermost layer of Morph-M. The aim of this layer is to provide a convenient environment for developers to prototype algorithms and for users to bind common algorithms together. This layer can be used in two ways:
* to bind together Morph-M functions made available through the interface layer. The overhead in this case is usually negligible compared to the cost of the actual image processing.
* to write new algorithms in Python. Most of the Morph-M C++ tools have been replicated in Python (iterators, neighborhoods, etc). And while the conversions are quite costly and all the functionality is not present, it is possible to develop non speed-critical algorithms that directly manipulate pixels in Python. 
24 35 Etienne Decencière
25 59 Serge Koudoro
h3{color:#006400}. +Getting Started+
26 8 Serge Koudoro
27 65 Serge Koudoro
* [[Morph-M Python - Installing, Upgrading, Removing Morph-M|Installing, Upgrading, Removing Morph-M]] : for quick and easy use of Morph-M
28 66 Serge Koudoro
* [[Morph-M Python - Launch some examples...|Launch some examples...]] : This part gives some code examples, in python and C++
29 40 Serge Koudoro
30 59 Serge Koudoro
h3{color:#006400}. +Tutorial+
31 26 Serge Koudoro
32 59 Serge Koudoro
bq. *+Morph-M+*
33 54 Etienne Decencière
34 60 Serge Koudoro
* Managing Images
35 66 Serge Koudoro
** [[Morph-M Python - Creation and Deletion|Creation and Deletion]]
** [[Morph-M Python - Python Pixel Manipulation|Pixel Manipulation]]
** [[Morph-M Python - Import/Export to other python librairies|Import/Export to other python librairies]] : OpenCV, Pil, PyQt, VTK, numpy....
38 60 Serge Koudoro
* Neigborhood, Structuring Elements
40 66 Serge Koudoro
** [[Morph-M Python - Python Neighborhood,Structuring Element Introduction|Neighborhood,Structuring Element Introduction]]: There is a way if your structuring element does not exist...
41 60 Serge Koudoro
* Miscellaneous
43 66 Serge Koudoro
** [[Morph-M Python - Python Active Windows|Active Windows]]: What's this and How to use it ?
** [[Morph-M Python - Add a Morph-M Addons and use it|Add a Morph-M Addons and use it]]
45 14 Serge Koudoro
46 59 Serge Koudoro
bq. *+General Use+*
47 26 Serge Koudoro
48 66 Serge Koudoro
* [[Morph-M Python - Python Unit Test|Unit Test]]: How implement unit test to my python algorithm
* [[Morph-M Python - Python How to work with config file|How to work with config file: ConfigParser Module]]
* [[Morph-M Python - Logging Module vs "print" statement|Logging Module vs "print" statement]]:
* [[Morph-M Python - pdb|pdb]]
52 1 Redmine Admin
53 59 Serge Koudoro
h3{color:#006400}. +FAQ+
54 23 Serge Koudoro
55 43 Serge Koudoro
56 59 Serge Koudoro
h3{color:#006400}. +Tips an Trick+
57 23 Serge Koudoro
58 66 Serge Koudoro
* [[Morph-M Python - Python Path and Python Startup|Python Path and Python Startup]]: What is this ?
59 22 Serge Koudoro
60 59 Serge Koudoro
h2{color:#8B0000;background:#ddd}. Matlab Interface
61 32 Serge Koudoro
62 59 Serge Koudoro
* [[How to use Morph-M with Matlab ?]] (*%{color:#8B0000}Alpha version, work in progress...%*)
63 1 Redmine Admin
64 59 Serge Koudoro
h2{color:#8B0000;background:#ddd}. Labview Interface
65 32 Serge Koudoro
66 61 Serge Koudoro
* How to use Morph-M with Labview ? (*%{color:#8B0000}work in progress...%*)
67 26 Serge Koudoro
68 59 Serge Koudoro
h2{color:#8B0000;background:#ddd}. +Learn more...+
69 17 Serge Koudoro
70 59 Serge Koudoro
* "Functions documentations and guide":/embedded/morphee-admin  : This part shows the basic use of Morph-M classes and functions
* [[Seminar]]                   : This part provides different presentation slides that gives more insights on the different library concepts and uses.
* [[Educational resources]]     : Source, Tutorial and Slide of all Morph-M formation 
* [[Bibliographical resources]] : Some essential references