


Anomalie #35

templates specialisation for a precise type of structuring elements

Added by Serge Koudoro over 16 years ago. Updated over 16 years ago.

old plone Bugs
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The problem: How to specialize morphoBase templates for some given structuring
element (a sub-class of SETypeNeighborList)?
Let us have a classical structuring element 2D, 4 neighbors, form of a disc of
size 1.
The goal is to specialize some morphological operation (t_ImDilate, t_ImErode)
at a template level so that the compiler could reuse it in all others composed
operations (open, close).
I think this is not possible at the moment. What is the most inoffensive way to
do it?
Very easy way of specialisation is to create a completely new template
t_ImDilate_SQR_DISC2D_4_size1 or something like that, but, by this way the new
template will not be reutilised in composed operations as described above.
I tried also a template specialisation with a value (eg. <T, 2>) but it doesn't
work at all with NeighborList class (or the compiler is not so clever). So, this
is effectively not the way.
Any ideas?

#2 12/11/2007 10:16 (Tibs)
Change: topic: "C++" -> "UI"
Change: title: "tempaltes specialisation for a precise type of structuring elements" -> "templates specialisation for a precise type of structuring elements"
Change: classification: "ProblemeOuvert" -> "Bug"

#1 14/06/2005 17:47 (brambor)
Change: title: "tempaltes specialisation for precise type of structuring element" -> "tempaltes specialisation for a precise type of structuring elements"
Change: topic: "" -> "C++"
Change: solution: "" -> "?"
Change: title: "" -> "tempaltes specialisation for precise type of structuring element"
Change: classification: "Bug" -> "ProblemeOuvert"
Change: description: "" -> "The problem: How to specialize morphoBase templates for some given structuring element (a sub-class of SETypeNeighborList)?

Let us have a classical structuring element 2D, 4 neighbors, form of a disc of size 1.
The goal is to specialize some morphological operation (t_ImDilate, t_ImErode) at a template level so that the compiler could reuse it in all others composed operations (open, close).

I think this is not possible at the moment. What is the most inoffensive way to do it?

Very easy way of specialisation is to create a completely new template t_ImDilate_SQR_DISC2D_4_size1 or something like that, but, by this way the new template will not be reutilised in composed operations as described above.

I tried also a template specialisation with a value (eg. <T, 2>) but it doesn't work at all with NeighborList class (or the compiler is not so clever). So, this is effectively not the way.

Any ideas?


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